Apply for early design review
Early Design Review is the process through which the Roads and Airports Department provides preliminary feedback on an idea or proposal within the County of Santa Clara Road Right-of-Way (ROW) before a formal application for an Encroachment Permit is made. The feedback provided may include requirements or restrictions that must be adhered to in the final design, agreements that must be entered, or it may be determined that what has been proposed will not be allowed due to safety and/or operational concerns.
The Early Design Review process will only result in a conditional clearance if requirements are met. If you have an imminent project, use the Encroachment Permit link (go back to main permit webpage). The Encroachment Permit process may result in issuance of the permit, or conditional clearance pending award of a project to a contractor (then issuance of the permit).
As the process and application requirements for Early Design Review are different from the usual Encroachment Permit application process, please contact Permits at (408) 573-2475 or [email protected] for full information.
Permits team
San Jose, CA 95110