Project description
The County has evaluated installation of some type of traffic calming countermeasure to further reduce traffic speed on this roadway. This half mile corridor connects residential, hospitals, and commercial districts. The roadway is shared jurisdiction with City of San Jose and County.
Project status
The identified traffic calming devices have been installed and evaluation data monitoring will continue.
Community meetings
The first community meeting was held on October 16, 2019 where County provided some traffic calming countermeasures for MacArthur Avenue and received feedback from the community.
The second community meeting was held on January 30, 2020. The County staff presented the recommended solution to address the speeding concern on MacArthur Ave. The initial three speed humps proposed by the County did not receive support from the residents. Only two of the three speed humps proposed had majority support. As a result, the third speed hump location was removed and instead, two speed display signs will be placed at that location, one in each direction of travel on MacArthur Ave. The final plan shown below reflects what was agreed to by the residents during the community meeting. Now that the project is completed, the County staff are monitoring post-installation 85th percentile speeds to ensure the effectiveness of the installed devices. The results of the speed study's for before installation, after installation, and 1-year post installation are posted.