Uvas Creek Bridge #37C0094 replacement project
Last updated: 01/26/2024 - 11:11
(Current bridge #37C0094, New bridge #37C0600)

Project location
0.6 Miles South of Croy Road on Uvas Road, over Uvas Creek, west of the city of Morgan Hill.
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Project limits
The bridge crosses Uvas Creek on Uvas Road and is located approximately 0.6 miles South of Croy Road in Morgan Hill.
Project description
The new bridge will be a single span cast-in-place prestressed concrete box girder bridge with two 12-foot-wide lanes for traffic and two 8-foot wide shoulders for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Work will include
- Slight realignment of Uvas Road to the east, adjacent to the existing bridge.
- Construction of a new concrete bridge approximately 110 feet long by 44 feet wide.
- Demolition of the existing bridge
Project schedule
- Project advertisement: January 2023
- Bid opening: February 2023
- Bid award: March 2023
- Construction schedule: 2023
- Project Completion: 12/2023
Funding source
- Federal Highway Bridge Program
- County Road Fund
Project document library
Project point of contact
Email: [email protected]