Page Mill Road intersection improvements at El Camino Real
Last updated: 11/22/2024 - 15:05
Project limits
Page Mill Road at El Camino Real and west of Hanover Street in the City of Palo Alto
Project description
Intersection improvements to improve intersection efficiency and reduce queuing impacts. Provide bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements.
- Restriping, installation of dedicated right turn lanes and bicycle slots on Page Mill Road
- Modifying existing traffic signals and equipment, including removal of median poles
- Relocating utilities
- Shifting one median
- Removing free right turns from Page Mill Road to El Camino Real by constructing bulb-outs
- Closing the left turn median west of Hanover Street (HP campus entrance)
Project timeline
Construction to begin by mid 2025. Project delayed due to other agencies working in the same area.
Funding source(s)
- 2016 Measure B Expressway Program
- City of Palo Alto
Project document library
95% Project plan set – Page Mill Road intersection improvements at El Camino Real
Project point of contact
Email: [email protected]